From my home office, I help my clients craft the careers of their dreams. Include examples of how you’ve maintained close communication while working remotely, like scheduling weekly check-ins, sending daily status updates, or hosting online events. Call out that your job went from in-person to remote and mention if you work work from home experience from home full-time or part-time. Discuss how you adapted to the sudden change in circumstances, but your productivity and performance never suffered. When all of your interactions are through a screen and not always in real-time, your ability to clearly and concisely communicate is an essential part of getting the job done.
There’s a lot of information about traditional employee experience but a shortage of data about hybrid, flex, or fully-remote employee experience. We’ll teach you how to create a remote team experience that helps you attract and manage the best talent in your industry. Before COVID-19, employee experience revolved around the on-site work environment and in-person interactions with leaders, managers, and colleagues. Today, those aspects still matter, but many organizations have much less control over employees’ remote work environment—and much less (if any) face-to-face connection. Luckily, with the right technology and employee engagement solutions, managing remote workers can be just as rewarding—and productive—as managing an in-house team. In the office or at home, employee recognition remains a key driver of employee engagement and performance.
Streamlined coordination and communication
It isn’t just the cost of hiring that impacts a business’s bottom line. Many organizations claim to put the values and needs of their employees first. Actions speak louder than words, and workers wait for their companies to offer competitive flexibility, benefits, and psychological safety. As a leader or manager, consider how you can maximize the flexibility your team has, without compromising work outcomes. You may allow employees to travel the world, and work from remote locations, or to design a custom schedule that works for both them and the business.
Alternatively, you can emphasize remote work by including a short blurb underneath the company name and job title. If you worked specific hours for an office in a different location or time zone, you can be explicit about that on your resume. To help your resume rise to the top of the pile, make sure you identify and incorporate keywords. They’re easy to identify and important to sprinkle throughout your resume. It also refers to your ability to learn and adapt to new tools and technology quickly.
How to create a great remote employee experience?
Luckily, remote work expands an organization’s opportunities to embrace diversity and inclusion because the talent pool is no longer limited to a specific location. Developing your remote employees requires strategic planning, honest communication, and consistency. This means dedicated check-ins are even more critical to building trusted relationships with your remote employees and taking the pulse on their work performance. No matter where your employees are, managers are tasked with helping them do their jobs successfully. Make sure you’re getting value out of them by running effective virtual meetings—whether those are one-on-ones, group collaboration sessions, or team meetings.
Here are three remote writing job titles that are sometimes entry-level and require no experience (depending on the company). Writing jobs also appear in our report about easy remote jobs under the category, “easy because it’s fun” to do. Data from Statista shows that while just 17% of workers were remote before Covid-19, as of April 2021, 44% were working fully remote five days a week. Upwork predicts that while the number of remote workers may taper off from these historic highs, at least 22% will still be working fully remotely by 2025, which represents an 87% increase from pre-pandemic numbers. Here’s a look at 7 of the top industries hiring for remote jobs in 2021. Facilitating a good work-life balance for your employees will pay in the long run.
Training and resources to help you learn new skills, find job opportunities, and grow your career
By utilizing collaborative solutions, your team will not be required to make countless requests across departments to download documents. Additionally, when you’re working on an open and collaborative platform, everyone has access to the most up-to-date versions of documents and tasks, which can save wasted time and ensure everyone is on the same page. On the other hand, companies that eagerly embrace the need to support a solid remote employee experience will have happier employees motivated to do their best work. A troubling Monster survey showed that 96% of employees are on the job hunt. But, now that the dust has somewhat settled, employers are rushing to improve their remote employee experience to retain talent and enable productivity at home.
Make sure they have permission to access these documents and walk through them with your employee so they understand how to find the information they need. People want to know that they matter—and this doesn’t change when they work outside the office. But working remotely can make it easy for employee contributions to go unnoticed. If you’re new to remote work, it can be a big shift from working in an office. Here are a few remote working tips to make the transition successful for you and your team. And organizations benefit from happier employees who are more productive, engaged, and excited to work with the company.